Ryan Roybal
Roybal is at the forefront of redefining the dynamics between the digital and physical realms, positioning technology as a pivotal bridge rather than a barrier. Growing up in the analog world taught him the fundamentals and fluency of human connection and our relationship with time. Having spent the second half of his life harnessed within the digital sphere, he developed a fluency between the two worlds. Embracing an understanding of how to build a digital future rooted with the values that were handed down from our analog ancestors.
Roybal’s artistic dialogue is a testament to the power of blending epochs—where historic artifacts meet the frontier of contemporary digital communication. Through the lens of interactivity and advanced coding, he crafts a new lexicon that reimagines the interface between humanity and the digital sphere. This journey transcends the conventional, aiming to rekindle the essence of lost connections by reimagining how technology can amplify the analog, fostering genuine human interactions in the physical realm. Roybal's innovative approach not only challenges how we perceive the role of technology in society but also how we can harness it to build a stronger, more connected social fabric for future generations.